As a working professional, I am planning to do my MBA online. Is it worth doing an online MBA or quitting my job to do a full time MBA?

As a working professional, I am planning to do my MBA online. Is it worth doing an online MBA or quitting my job to do a full time MBA?

The critical distinction between an online MBA and a full-time on-campus MBA is contingent upon personal preferences, professional aspirations, and individualised circumstances. The following comprehensive set of responses addresses the apprehensions of a working professional when evaluating the following alternatives:

MBA Online: Pros and Cons


1. Work and Study: You can continue working while promptly applying what you have learned to your job.

2. Adaptability: Online courses frequently provide asynchronous learning, enabling students to engage in studies at their convenience.

3. Cost Reduction: Online MBAs generally entail lower expenditures compared to full-time programmes, taking into account the impact of decreased income and living costs.

4. Technological Proficiency: Modern work environments place a premium on digital communication and remote collaboration abilities, both of which can be enhanced through the use of online learning platforms.

5. Geographic Independence: There is no requirement to relocate in order to enrol in a programme at any institution worldwide.



1. Networking Opportunities due to reduced face-to-face interaction. However, this drawback is becoming less significant as virtual networking events proliferate.

2. Perception: Certain industries or regions may continue to harbour prejudices against online degrees.

3. Autonomy: Successfully balancing academic obligations with employment and other responsibilities demands a considerable degree of self-control.

4. Strict Availability of On-Campus Resources: Although a plethora of resources can be found online, certain experiences and resources that are available in person may be inaccessible.

MBA at Full Time: Pros and Cons


1. One of the benefits of a full-time MBA is an immersive experience, which provides ample opportunities for networking and participation in on-campus activities.

2. Career Transition: A full-time MBA makes it simpler to undertake a substantial career transition, often facilitated by internship opportunities and recruitment events.

3. Alumni Networks: As a result of the intimate, in-person experience, on-campus programmes may provide alumni with more robust connections.

4. Systematic Learning Environment: A full-time MBA programme offers a more structured timetable that can foster a more methodical approach to the learning process.


1. Opportunity Cost associated with quitting one's employment, which entails forgoing both financial compensation and practical work experience while pursuing academic endeavours.

2. Increased Costs: In addition to tuition, one must also account for the prospective increase in living expenses and the cost of relocating.

3. Temporal Dedication: The pursuit of a full-time MBA necessitates a substantial investment of time, potentially limiting opportunities for additional pursuits.


Aspects of a Personal and Professional Nature

1. If one's professional objective is to progress in their present occupation, an online MBA programme may be adequate. If, on the other hand, you wish to effect substantial change, a full-time MBA may afford you more opportunities.

2. Learning Style: Contemplate whether you are inclined towards the organised and communal elements of in-person education or the adaptability offered by online learning.

3. Financial Considerations: Evaluate your ability to financially suspend your salary and determine whether the commitment to a full-time MBA will yield long-term benefits.

4. Family and Personal Obligations: Take into account your personal life and assess your ability to juggle the requirements of a full-time programme.


Establishing a Decision

1. Investigate prospective programmes comprehensively, encompassing aspects such as accreditation status, curriculum design, faculty proficiency, and alumni achievements.

2. Establish connections with alumni of MBA programmes, both online and on-campus, to gain insight into their experiences and results.

3. Consider the professional ramifications of each alternative on your present employment status and prospective career prospects.

4. Personal Reflection: Allocate some time for introspection regarding which aspect you hold in higher regard: the networking prospects and expertise that a full-time MBA provides, or the adaptability and ongoing professional development that an online MBA offers.

In the end, it is imperative to determine which option is most congruent with one's personal circumstances, learning inclinations, and professional aspirations. Each path possesses its own collection of benefits and drawbacks, and what is suitable for an individual may not be the same for another. Thoroughly evaluating these factors is imperative in order to arrive at the most optimal decision for one's future.

Gauri Shankar Bisht

Gauri Shankar Bisht specializes in guiding individuals through career advancement programs, leveraging his extensive technical expertise. He holds both an M.Tech and a B.Tech from Graphic Era Hill University, Bhimtal. With a strong foundation in technology and a passion for professional development, Gauri is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their career goals and stay ahead in the competitive job market.


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